Start with Javascript (2021)

Udemy Course For Free | Daily Free Courses Are Uploaded | Basic JavaScript course for everyone in 2 hours Publisher : Guillaume Duhan Course Language : English Requirements No coding experience necessary Basic knowledge of HTML but not necessary Browser & code editor installed but i'll show you the first lesson Description Do you want to learn JavaScript? Are you a beginner in web development? Do you want to have JS basics and then learn JavaScript framework (like React, Vue, Angular...)? Or you would like to improve your minimum skills in less than two hours? You are on the right course! My name is Guillaume Duhan. As a Senior Front-End Developer and Tech teacher since 10 years now, I can assure you that JavaScript is the most popular language right now in web development. This is why I propose you to spend this next 2 hours together to learn basics JavaScript. The main idea of this course is not to enter deep in JavaScript but just to learn the...