Android Bug Bounty Hunting: Hunt like a rat From setting up a lab to setting you up for attacking a real target


In this course you will first of all learn how to set up your own android mobile penetration testing lab and after that you will be taught a solid methdology you can build upon and expand to grow into the amazing hacker you deserve to be.

We will:

- Set up our own mobile lab

- learn about path variables

- Create a solid methodology to expand upon

- Go deeper into the intricaties of bug bounties

- Create a way of thinking to help you design your own methodology

- Describe what parameter we test for what vulnerability and why

Starting out in bug bounties is hard and most of us start out hacking web applications because they require the least amount of setup. This is a great strategy but at a certain point you are going to want more. Mobile bug bounties is a great path to explore while doing bug bounties because there a lot of programs available that offer mobile applications among their target lists. When we look at other branches of bug bounties such as IP ranges for example we can notice that these are not very prevelant, that is why it is in my opinion the best option to elevate your skill level to a mobile platform with this amazing course. Invest in yourself and become the amazing hacker i  know you can be.

Who this course is for:

Bug bounty hunters looking to take the next step


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