Learn Basic Solidworks for beginners

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3D Modelling

Publisher:  Dhruvesh Kaneriya

Course Language: English


  • As such basic of solidworks is all what the students required to know.


This is a streamlined course to take you from knowing nothing about SOLIDWORKS to give you all the knowledge and skills needed to become a certified SOLIDWORKS associate. This course should enable you to, with confidence, use SOLIDWORKS to design your next innovation. After this course, you can proudly list your SOLIDWORKS skills in your resume.THIS COURSE IS NOT A SHORTCUT TO GET THE CERTIFICATE. We are following a learn-by-doing approach for you to truly master all the skills needed for the certification test.Design has designed and published multiple courses in different design subjects including SOLIDWORKS, 3D Printing, Portfolio Building, and more.This course give a very useful guidance to the beginners to start their career with solidworks and make their future bright. Beginners are learn about the different solidwork features and tools to improve the design skill and learn to set the parameters of the designs and familier with the software.Solidworks is very useful software for begin the career in design field.SOLIDWORKS is a very productive 3D CAD software tool. It helps to design various products and services, testing them in very cost effective way like Model and prototype testing as you learned earlier in engineering degree class.This course will help you in understanding and learning the basic and advanced tools of the software. You will get a thorough knowledge and hands on experience on Sketch, Part, Assembly and Surface Environments of SOLIDWORKS.

Who this course is for:

  • The Students pursuing bachelor and master courses and students who interested to learn the solidworks.

  • B.E. students, M.E. students, Bsc students, Msc students


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