Python Programming Essentials for Beginners Learn Programming using Python From 0 Programming Knowledge!

Python Programming Essentials for Beginners Learn Programming using Python From 0 Programming Knowledge!


  • Have you always been curious about programming? Asking yourself questions like:
  • How do people do that? Can I do it too? Do I need to attend an IT school in order to learn to program? Can I do programming for fun?
  • Don't worry anymore, because I'm gonna teach you in this course how to learn to program and write programs with python from scratch. This course will be your first step in the programming & IT world
  • I'll go through:

  • Explaining programming in general.
  • Answering Frequently Asked Questions about programming
  • Explaining Python fundamentals using very simple examples.
  • Helping you understand it more using quizzes.
  • Helping you master it by making small projects from scratch & explaining each step.
  • Creating real-world projects from scratch.
  • Description

    Why should you get this course? It's very friendly with beginners or anyone who isn't familiar with programming at all. It has animated presentations, audiovisual explanations, quizzes, texts & more! High-Quality Audio & Video It will regularly be updated by the instructor. The instructor has good ratings in other courses. The instructor has good experience in instructing in Udemy. The instructor always makes sure to answer questions related to the course. It's very affordable. I hope you find in this course what you have been looking for, make sure to contact me if you have anything in mind.


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