Data Science (Level 1: Foundation)

Udemy Course For Free | Daily Free Courses Are Uploaded |

Publisher: Akaaro Consulting and Training

Course Language: English

Want to keep up with the buzz words, this course is for you. No coding is taught here.


  • This course does not require any prerequisites or experience. The course will start from the very basics.


If you have absolutely no idea what Data Science is and are looking for a very quick non-technical introduction to Data Science, this course will help you get started on fundamental concepts underlying Data Science.

1. This is suitable for professionals who want to build a career in Data Science. This is a Foundation course to give a macro picture to them.

2. Also every professional should know what are the latest buzz words in the market and we are sure irrespective of the domain you work in, you would be directly or indirectly using Data Science. Hence don't waste more time and enroll now.

Note: No coding is taught here

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn about Data Science from absolute scratch.

  • Every working professional should know the basic concepts of Data Science


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